the library e
The platform includes a huge electronic library consisting of many electronic resources, including three series: the first (Learn Arabic Series) for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, starting from pre-school (kindergarten and preparatory KG) to (elementary, middle and secondary K-12). The second series is (Kunooz Series) for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers who are learning Arabic for the first time, and the third (Bayan Series) for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers who have simple prior knowledge such as knowing the Arabic letters. The electronic library also includes a huge number of enrichment materials that support the basic curriculum. Our curricula are not biased towards any race, class or trend, but rather their pure goal is to teach Arabic to all groups of different races and religions. For example, the first series (Learn Arabic) is distinguished by integrating Arabic language teaching with Islamic values such as honesty, trustworthiness, respecting neighbors, helping the weak, tolerance, and coexistence with others, etc. The second series (Bayan) and the third series (Kunooz) are two series that are limited to teaching Arabic in a concentrated manner, with only the necessary information about the local culture in Arab countries.
Series for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers
Arabic learning method
The "Learn Arabic" series consists of 12 levels (K-12) in addition to two levels, kindergarten and preparatory (KG1-KG2). This series is distinguished by being the most widespread in the world due to its high rating in terms of facilitating the learning and teaching of Arabic and containing many tools to assist the teacher such as preparation notebooks, teacher's guide, activity books, and thousands of supporting materials such as videos, audios, question banks, and others, which makes teaching and learning Arabic fun, easy, and interesting. This series is distinguished by its integration of Islamic values into learning dialogues, examples, and exercises so that the Arabic language is taught smoothly and flexibly while instilling Islamic values in emerging learners. This series was supervised by a team of senior experts and professors specialized in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and foreign experts specialized in teaching languages as a second language.
Statement approach
Bayan series dedicated to teaching the Arabic language in Europe. This series is highly rated in terms of building the curriculum and conceptual structure for teaching the Arabic language to those who speak Arabic at home but need to enhance their linguistic abilities.
Kunooz curriculum
Kunooz series dedicated to teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers in Scandinavia. The series was designed taking into account the presence of Swedish culture in the series’ lessons in terms of concepts, values and general tastes.
Enrichment curriculum
The enrichment curriculum is a set of auxiliary materials that support the basic curriculum (Treasures or Bayan) and consists of stories, interactive games, video clips, and audio clips that make learning processes fun and exciting.