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Organizations created to help people Especially Service organizations
Sports events
name of the place
International events and days are widespread, so what is the benefit of them or reading about them?
The man is taller than the woman
From international organizations…
The noun of time indicates the time of the verb
We are supposed to pay attention to all cultures, and learn from them what is useful, and this can only be done by studying them, rallying all peoples around each other, respecting the owners of each culture for other cultures, and calling for constructive and useful dialogue.
The appropriate idea for the previous paragraph is:
You lived in a country other than your own, and one time you went to the grocery store to buy your household needs, and when you reached the cashier to pay for the things you bought; You found that you forgot your wallet at home...
What can you do?
Write a small paragraph in which you try to describe this scene with good behavior in it.
This response will be reviewed and graded after submission.
War and coexistence
Global coexistence
The development of Arabic calligraphy
We are supposed to pay attention to all cultures, and learn from them what is useful, and this can only be done by studying them, rallying all peoples around each other, respecting the owners of each culture for other cultures, and calling for constructive and useful dialogue.