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What is the industrial source?
He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Gabriel kept advising me to take care of my neighbor until I thought he would inherit from him.”
One of the positions of the hamzat al-wasl in verbs
Positions of hamzat al-wasl
You must practice good manners and morals, because through them you will remain loved by your friend and respected by your enemy
There were seven naughty boys riding towards the city center on their bikes, not paying attention to passersby or cars, disturbing people with their loud voices, and moving among passers-by with crazy agility, not taking into account the consequences, and not caring about the insults that reached their ears...
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Choose the correct word setting
Of road etiquette
As stated in the unit
Which of the following statements is incorrect:
Of conjunctions
“A friend in distress” means...
conjunction and adjective
It is shameful for an individual to demand his rights and want them in full, and forget his duties. It is also illogical for him to perform his duties and not obtain the corresponding rights, thus feeling unfair.